Big Endian vs Little Endian

In computer science, a bit is the smallest piece of information. It represents a digit of the binary numeral system. A string of 8 bits called a byte. There are two ways to store a string of data in computers: Big Endian and Little Endian. If your tasks are working with data in a piece of bytes, you ought to know how to deal with bytes in these two formats. In this post, I will explain how data is stored in computers, what are the main differences between these two, then provide some useful code to work with bytes in Swift and Objective-C.

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Play Central And Peripheral Roles With CoreBluetooth


As I mentioned in the previous post, CoreBluetooth allows us to create applications that can communicate with BLE devices such as heart rate monitors, body sensors, trackers, or hybrid devices.
There are two roles to play in the CoreBluetooth concepts: Central and peripheral.

  • Central: Obtain data from peripherals.
  • Peripheral: Publish data to be accessed by a central. We can make a Bluetooth device plays as a peripheral from either firmware-side or software-side.

In this post, I will show you how to create a peripheral by using our own identifiers. Also using another device, as a central, to connect and explore our services. Let’s get it started.

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Asynchronous Programming in Swift

Promise Kit, one of the best frameworks to deal with asynchronous programming in Swift

In this post, I will use these following third parties to complete the project:

  • Alamofire: A HTTP networking framework in Swift.
  • SwiftyJSON: To process JSON data.
  • SwiftGifOrigin: An UIImage extension to display Gif files.
  • Bolts-Swift: Was designed by Parse and Facebook, I use it to create asynchronous methods.
  • PromiseKit: A framework helps us to simplify asynchronous programming.
  • Giphy’s APIs for searching and downloading gif images.
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Grand Central Dispatch in Swift

Grand Central Dispatch, or GCD for short, is a low-level C APIs for managing concurrent tasks. It helps us improve our app performance by executing a block of code in reasonable threads, like perform computationally expensive tasks in the background. GCD provides several options for running tasks such as synchronously, asynchronously, after a certain delay, etc.
In this post I will explain more details about GCD and how it works, also provide some interesting points when we work with GCD. Let’s start.

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React Native In My Real World

React Native was introduced in January of 2015 at React.js Con: The first public preview. In March of 2015, React Native is open and available on Github. After releasing, React Native quickly becomes popular and is constantly updated by thousands of developers in the world. Currently, React Native is one of the most stars repositories on Github.

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Review Book: Clean Code

This is a book I have been gifted a long time ago from an old colleague, also he is one of my close friends. This is one of the software books that I like the most but have no chance to buy when I was a student.

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Bluetooth Low Energy On iOS

The Core Bluetooth (CB) framework allows iOS and MacOS apps communicate with BLE devices. Your apps can discover, explore, and control the BLE devices, such as heart rate monitors, trackers or hybrid watches.

Image 1. BLE devices (Source from Google)
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