Bluetooth Integration with App Clips: A How-To Guide

Nowadays, users demand quick and easy access to services they need, without downloading the full version of an app. App Clips - a feature introduced by Apple on iOS 14 - offers a solution to this demand by enabling users to access a small part of an app. By integrating your Bluetooth-enabled app to App clip, you can take user experience to the next level. This opens up new possibilities, such as allowing users to connect to nearby devices, perform a specific feature, and more. In this tutorial, I’ll guide you through integrating Bluetooth into your App Clip. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or a newbie, you will find everything you need to get started. So, let’s dive in!

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Web Bluetooth

Have you ever wanted to create a web application that enables users to communicate with your device using Bluetooth? Until the introduction of Web Bluetooth, this was only possible through native mobile apps. However, with the advent of Web Bluetooth you can now turn your idea into a reality.
Web Bluetooth is a game-changing technology that allows web developers to connect their applications directly to Bluetooth devices, opening up a wide range of possibilities for IoT, wearables, and other Bluetooth-enabled devices. By leveraging the power of Web Bluetooth, you can create web applications that can communicate with devices without the need for a separate native app.
So if you have been dreaming of creating a web application that can interact with Bluetooth devices, now is the time to explore the possibilities of Web Bluetooth and take your development skills to the next level.

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Series React Native and BLE: Part 2 - Building BLE framework for Android

When it comes to mobile technology, iOS and Android are the two dominant operating systems that power the majority of smartphones and tablets worldwide. As developers, it is essential that we have the knowledge and tools to work with both platforms effectively. This is especially true when it comes to utilizing Bluetooth technology, which is a crucial component of many modern mobile applications.
In part 1 of this tutorial series, we created a BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) framework that could be connected to the UI using React Native. However, this framework only worked on iOS, which meant that we needed to develop a separate solution for Android.
In part 2 of this tutorial series, we will be focusing on defining a new SDK for Android and linking it to the UI, just as we did on iOS. This will allow us to fully support both operating systems and provide a seamless Bluetooth experience for all users, regardless of their device of choice.

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